Kathy Mannino Kathy began as a Children’s House Assistant Teacher at HMS in 2002. Prior to HMS, Kathy gained 10 year’s experience as a Teacher's Aide and Second Grade CCD Teacher. She has an Associate's Degree in Secretarial Sciences from Pierce College. She continued her Montessori education by completing the CMTE Assistant Teacher Training Course and the DIME 3-6 Early Childhood Overview course. Kathy retired from HMS in 2017 but decided she was not ready to leave so she returned to work as the Extended Care Lead and substitute. In 2021, Kathy was promoted to a Lead Toddler Teacher and completed her training for 0-3 Montessori Certification through NAMC. Kathy believes the most amazing part of teaching in the Montessori environment is watching the transformation and growth in a child, and how all the pieces of the Montessori education come together for the child. Kathy loves spending time with her family and grandchildren, visiting her beach house, and traveling the world on her favorite cruise ships. |